Legal Policies

Interpretations of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (also known as FERPA or the Buckley Amendment) have important implications for the handling and releasing of student education record information by campus offices and school officials. FERPA applies to the "education records" (see next paragraph for definition) of "students". "Students" are defined as those individuals who are or have been enrolled in classes (credit and/or non-credit) at the University. FERPA does not apply to records of applicants for formal admission to the University who are denied acceptance or, if accepted, do not enroll in classes for credit. In addition, rights are not given by FERPA to students enrolled in one component of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater who seek to be admitted in another component (e.g., a student enrolled in an undergraduate program, but is denied admission to a graduate program, does not have any FERPA rights in the graduate program which denied him/her admission).

"Education records" are those UW-Whitewater records that are directly related to a student and that are maintained by the University or by a school official who serves the University in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position (including student employees or agents of the University, persons/companies with whom the University has contracted, persons serving on official campus committees, or persons assisting other school officials in performing their tasks).

FERPA indicates that UW-Whitewater "education records" do not include:

UW-Whitewater, in accordance with FERPA, has designated categories of information about individual students as public "directory information". The following "directory information" will be routinely released to any inquirer unless the student formally requests that it be restricted:

A student has the right to restrict the release of all of the above directory information. A student who wishes to do so must complete and file the "Request to Prevent Disclosure of Directory Information" form in the Registrar's Office. The restriction will remain in effect until the student files written notification with the Registrar's Office to have it removed. A student who has ceased attending UW-Whitewater, and whose directory information was not restricted in his/her last term of attendance, does not have the right to restrict the release of directory information until such time as he/she re-enrolls at the University.

A student who is considering restricting the release of his/her "Directory Information" should weigh carefully the consequences of doing so. If a student decides to inform the University not to release his/her directory information, future requests for such information from non-University persons or organizations will be refused. For example, UW-Whitewater would not release enrollment verification information to the student's health insurance provider or a prospective employer, and the student's name would not appear in the commencement booklet.

In addition to the items listed above, UW-Whitewater has designated photographs and images that are taken of students at University-sponsored activities as information that may appear in University publications, brochures, etc., without the written consent of students.

The essence of FERPA can be summarized by the following two points:
