TWiki Text Formatting

Working in TWiki is as easy as typing in text - exactly like email. You don't need to know HTML, though you can use it if you prefer. Links to topics are created automatically when you enter WikiWords. And TWiki shorthand gives you all the power of HTML with a simple coding system that takes no time to learn. It's all laid out below - refer back to this page in a pop-up window from the Edit screen.

TWiki Editing Shorthand

1st paragraph 2nd paragraph
---++ Sushi ---+++ Maguro



__Bold italic__
=Fixed font=
==Bold fixed==
_This works_, _this not _
This works,
_this not _ Verbatim Mode:
Surround code excerpts and other formatted text with and tags.
Note: Use
tags instead if you want that HTML code is interpreted.
Note: Each tag must be on a line by itself.
 class CatAnimal < void purr() < > > 
class CatAnimal < void purr() < > >
* bullet item
* level 1 * level 2