Here users can find daily Dawn Vocabulary with urdu meaning, synonyms and antonyms. Aspirants of CSS, PMS, GAT, NAT and all other competitive exams can prepapre English vocabulary, synonyms and antonyms with urdu meanings from here. We find vocabulary words from Dawn newspaper on daily basis to help students to prepare their English language portion for all types of competitive exams.
Meaning: معمہ الفاظ کی پہیلی
Explanation: (Noun) – An absurd pretence intended to create a pleasant or respectable appearance.
Example: Talk of unity was nothing more than a charade.
Synonyms: Deception, Farce, Travesty.
Antonyms: Honesty, Reality, Truth.
[Dawn Vocabulary: 20-12-2023]
Meaning: تَعطُل ۔ عارضی موقوفی ۔ اِلتَوا ۔ مُعطَّل ۔ غَیر موٴثر یا غَیر مُستَعمِل ہونے کی کیفیت ۔ عدَم نِفاذ
Explanation: (Noun) – A state of temporary disuse or suspension.
Example: Matters were held in abeyance pending further enquiries.
Synonyms: Discontinuation, Dormancy, Inactivity,
Intermission, Latency.
Antonyms: Continuation, Action, Activity.
[Dawn Vocabulary: 16-12-2023]
Meaning: انتہائی ناخوش، غریب، ناکام ہونے کی حالت
Explanation: (Adjective) – (of something bad) Experienced or present to the maximum degree.
Example: His letter plunged her into abject misery.
Synonyms: Wretched
Antonyms: commendable, Exalted, Excellent.
[Dawn Vocabulary: 06-12-2023]
Meaning: کَٹر پَن ۔ ہَٹ دھرمی ۔ سختی ۔ بے لچکی ۔ اِنتہا پَسندی ۔
Explanation: (Noun) – Refusal to change one’s views or to agree about something.
Example: Opponents accused him of intransigence.
Synonyms: Inflexibility, Obstinacy, Contumacy, Grimness.
[Dawn Vocabulary: 09-02-2023]
Meaning: مُضَحکَہ تَصوير ۔ کِسی چيز يا شَخَص کی بے تُکی نَقَل
Explanation: (Noun) – A picture, description, or imitation of a person in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect.
Example: A crude caricature of the Prime Minister.
Synonyms: Cartoon, Farce, Parody, Satire.
Antonyms: Flattery, Praise, Seriousness, Solemnity.
[Dawn Vocabulary: 30-01-2023]
Meaning: سختی سے – مخلصانہ طور پر ۔ سرگرمی سے
Explanation: (Adverb) – In a very loyal and committed manner.
Example: She staunchly defended the programme.
Synonyms: Adamantly, Decisively, Doggedly, Persistently, Resolutely.
Antonyms: Changeably, Flexibly, Indefinitely, Movably.
[Dawn Vocabulary: 07-01-2023]
Meaning: لُکنت ۔ رُکاوٹ ۔ مزاحمت ، روک بالخصوص کوئی جِسمانی نقص جو واضع گُفتَگو میں مانع ہو
Explanation: (Noun) – A hindrance or obstruction in doing something.
Example: A serious impediment to scientific progress.
Synonyms: Barrier, Bottleneck, Burden, Defect, Deterrent.
Antonyms: Advantage, Aid, Assistance, Benefit.
[Dawn Vocabulary: 02-01-2023]
Meaning: دو اجزا میں تقسیم ۔ دو فرعی تقسیم ۔ دو فرعیت ۔ دو نوعیتی ۔ جُفت شاخیت
Explanation: (Noun) – A division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different.
Example: A rigid dichotomy between science and mysticism.
Synonyms: Difference of opinion, Difference, Disagreement, Disunion.
Antonyms: Agreement, Likeness, Sameness.
[Dawn Vocabulary: 30-12-2022]